Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Yard Update!

I love my Mom, I really do. I might complain about her sometimes, but she is really an AWESOME Mom. She came over today and we turned this last section of grass-weeds into a flower bed. I had to leave at 12:30 to go meet my Dad for lunch and she stayed and finished the last little bit of weeding. When I got home it was all ready for the flowers that I had bought on the way home from lunch.

Stupid meter, those things are so ugly!

My Step Dad is going to make me covers for those crawl spaces under the house since my husband would rather not. I've asked him about a million times so I'm going to Daddy lol. My plan is to paint the covers and then put a nice flower pot on a brick in front of them and put some flowers in it, and then maybe some small pots around the base.

I picked up this hose reel since the house used to get rolled up where the flower bed is now. I'm going to ask Scott to put it up tonight. If he doesn't then I'll look for the drill later and do it myself, how hard can it be?

I need to find a new spot for these bricks too. I had them under the hose, just kind of throw there. I unburied about 4 of them today and there are a few more buried under that area. I think I might do a little walking trail to the side of the house off the porch. I don't think there are enough to go all down the side but maybe part way. Yes some are broken but that just adds character right? I wonder if I could get some moss to grow between them. I wish I could find more of them. I bought those about 13 years ago and haven't seen them since.

Here is my adorable new bird bath, still trying to decide where I want to put it.

My Mom's friend GAVE me this fountain! Isn't it cute? I think I know where I'm going to put it. She got rid of it because she didn't want her dogs drinking the water out of it. Um yeah. Ok I'll take it!

I still need to plant these Geraniums I bought yesterday. The one on the left has the prettiest varigated pink blooms. The one on the right, I LOVE the leaves, they are so cool looking. I think I'm going to put these on the back of the house along with the existing hot pink geranium I have out there. It's HUGE. I think I'll try to start a few more and then mix up these different ones with it.

Flower bed #2 on the side of the house, think I might pull out those tall pink things (stock) and replace them with petunias.

Flower bed #3 on the side of the house (original one)

Tree on the side #1

Tree #2 Pretty much everything died out of there but the stock and alysum.

Tree #3 This Ivy Geranium has been around for about 3 years now, that's about a record at my house lol.

I worked on cleaning up around the paper box last night. I'm about ready to add another brick for width. I want to go all the way down the front of the house with it eventually. The african daisies that I transplanted from my Mom's are finally starting to act like they are alive. I did buy a few new ones and put them in there so it didn't look so gross lol. I can't wait until they start growing and look like something.

Still need to get some better tree stakes. I should go shopping at my Mom's house I think she has some in her back yard

Bought some more cosmos to put around the trees but I got too hot and had to take a break.

That completes the tour. I know it doesn't look like much but it's fun working on it all.


  1. Looks nice Julie! The flowers are really starting to fill in nicely!

  2. Thanks for staying tuned to my story. As much as I enjoyed getting it out there it was hard. It was good, cheap therapy for me at the same time though. LOL!
    It looks like spring has sprung at your house. WOW!

  3. You have done a wonderful job of your gardens!
    I love them.
    And that hose reel is kinda cute too... and I love the bird bath and fountain!

  4. Looks great! I need to work on our yard BAD!

  5. It's 5.13pm here (Wed).. weigh in is an hour away.....
    Fingers crossed!

  6. Looks great! I've been meaning to turn a section of your yard that we had to cut down some trees from into a flower bed. It looks just awful. Thanks for the inspiration! Hi from SITS!

  7. 'how hard can it be?'
    Famous last words!
    But everything looks really nice good job!

  8. The yard and the flower beds look great. My house is outlined with dirt because of the dogs. They've even gotten their own gladiator ring of dirt that they've created.

    Looks good!!


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