Monday, May 25, 2009

Party and Work

Saturday we got up early and went outside and worked on the yard a bit. Around 11 :30 we all took showers and got ready to go to our friend's house. First we stopped at Costco and got their HUGE chocolate cake and some hot dogs for our contribution. The kids all swam while we sat on the patio and talked. They BBQ'd some ribs and OMG they were so good. Eventually we went in the hot tub although not all at the same time. After that we all ended up sitting in the living room while the kids played Guitar Hero and or Rock Band whatever it was lol. They all had a great time and it was fun watching. Before we knew it was 9:00 and time to go home.

This morning we got up bright and early and went out and started on the yard again. Maybe some day I won't start a post that way lol. I got the rest of the bushes planted and Scott worked on the new flower bed along the concrete and then the walkway. I helped with that a bit but felt like I was in the way so started working on the big area around the tree a bit more.

Tabbie supervised.

Trevor, God bless him, chatted and chatted and chatted today. OMG he just talked his little head off and spent most of the day pounding nails into boards and then wanting help because it wasn't working or whatever. Seriously every time he went in the house we were like OMG the silence, do you hear it?? LOL

Here is the end of the day. He put what was left of the sand in the walkway, we are going to put that colored rock there, I need to drive down to the landscape place and pick what I want, think I'll get it delivered if it's not too much.

I have bookclub at my house on Sunday so I need to clean clean clean. We have like NO food in the house. Poor kids are going to have to buy their lunch tomorrow, hope it's something good lol.


  1. looks great!!!!!!!! You have inspired me..if only it turns out that well!!

  2. you know, the more walkway you lay, the more shoveling you have to do next winter when it snows! Looks great!

  3. " This morning we got up bright and early and went out and started on the yard again. Maybe some day I won't start a post that way lol."

    That was funny but like you said..this blog is for you. A journal of what's going on in your life.
    Start your post however you like.

    9:00 is early to be ending the party, huh?


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