Sunday, May 3, 2009

Not So Scrappy Saturday

Well I ended up not dong much scrapbooking yesterday. Jessica and her friend wanted to go to the mall in Modesto and talked me into taking them. I still felt a little guilty for not being able to do anything for her on her birthday so I agreed to take them. Trevor went with me and we "hung out" in Modesto while Jess and her friend did the mall crawl. That was like THE WHOLE DAY just about.

When I finally got home I drove in and saw that it was the once a month Bingo night. I like to go to those to support the gal that runs them (she's in book club), plus it's fun! I was exhausted but dragged myself down there with the $2 I scraped up to play with. I didn't win anything but had a nice time visiting with my neighbors. He won not only one regualar game of Bingo ($20 this time) but he won the big black out game ($100). I was slightly jealous, but it's ok!

Came home and did a little work in my scrapbook. I mostly had some titles to finish up and actually got them done so my 2008 books are done!

The plan today is to either work on my scrapbooks and or play in the yard a little bit. Scott said he would mow the grass but so far that hasn't happened. I know I'm not up to doing that yet!

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