Sunday, May 31, 2009

I'm tired peeps!

Today was book club.

At my house.

So I spent the last 2 days plus cleaning. If I ever mention wanting to install anything that has grout, please remind me of the 3 toothbrushes I went through for 3 days scrubbing it. On my hands and knees. But it's all pretty. (well it was, a few minutes ago Trevor was dragging a sponge across the kitchen to clean up some milk or something. I'm trying not to freak out. Really!)

Anyhow, most everything was done this morning but my room. So I got up and started cleaning. Scott eventually decided that he was going to mow the yard. Next thing I know he's changing the oil in my car? and fixing the brakes? Eventually he got around to mowing.

Then he comes in and tells me he just shut the water off because something on the hot water heater was leaking.

Are you freaking kidding me?

I'm standing there in my nightgown because I don't want to get dressed until I'm done sweating, not to mention I'm CLEANING and will have to wash some dishes AND people are coming over???

Yeah so he went out and turned the water back on. I must have looked kind of scary.

So I worked right up until time for people to get here. Everyone seemed to like my house, loved my walkway and they all liked the book that I had picked.

Which, by the way was

Live A Little by Kim Green.

Free for posting a comment, I'll pick a winner on Friday!

(Sheila I know I still owe you your book it will be coming soon I promise!)


From Publishers Weekly
Green's third novel displays a charming, acerbic wit unfortunately employed in the service of an unlikable character. Raquel Rose finds her diagnosis with terminal stage IV breast cancer to be unfair: she put her artistic dreams on hold to raise two kids and now she'll never become the sculptor she always wanted to be. Life after diagnosis isn't all bad, though: knowing she has only months to live, Raquel agrees to go on Living with Lauren! her sister's Bay Area talk show; her husband turns from couch potato to pink-ribbon activist; and her two sullen teenagers start confiding in her the way they never did before. But when a follow-up visit to the doctor reveals Raquel's biopsy results were switched with another woman's and she's actually cancer-free, she can't bring herself to fess up and lose all the local celebrity perks cancer has brought her. The lies snowball in sometimes funny fashion, but Green unfortunately doesn't bring any gravity to Raquel's quandary. Instead the gambit is played as ditsy and vapid. (Aug.) ""
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved."

"Green's effervescent prose and pitch-perfect humor will surely charm readers. Her deeply imagined characters seem like old friends as their story unfolds with effortless grace." (Author of NOTES FROM THE BACKSEAT Jody Gehrman )

"Kim Green is a must-read! Live a Little is wise, winning, and funny,
with engaging characters that pull you in and pages that crackle with
wit and insight." (author of MASTER OF THE HIGHLANDS Veronica Wolff )

The next book we are reading is The Piano Teacher by Lynne York


From Booklist
An easy journey into familiar territory: the small North Carolina town of Swan's Knob sometime in the late 1970s. Known as Miss Wilma, the gentle, upright piano teacher of the title keeps her life in order and finds comfort in it. She comes home after playing the organ for a wedding to find her daughter Sarah--thin, uncommunicative, and tense--on her doorstep with her granddaughter, Starling, but not with Starling's dad, Harper. York moves the point of view between Miss Wilma, Sarah, Harper, and Roy, the local distinguished gentleman who finds himself quite taken with Wilma, as all hell breaks loose. A handsome stranger comes looking for Sarah and is soon accused of murder. Harper's weaknesses are of the hippy-dippy kind but loathsome withal. Sarah doesn't get her mother's bone-deep kindness. Sad family stories leak out of direct, well-wrought prose. Romance, justice, and family win--probably. GraceAnne DeCandido
Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved

So now my house is all clean. I've already ordered my book from and now I think I need a nap.


  1. I hate grout, too!! I can imagine the look you gave hubby when he mentioned he turned off the water!LOL We've had our share of plumbing woes...and it usually means all day without water and 5 trips to Home Depot. Hubby now calls a plumber. :)

  2. I hope the hot water heater is fixed :0(

    The books sounds pretty good. Did you enjoy it?

  3. Glad the water could be turned back on!
    You have done a wonderful job of your yard, I'm not surprised your book club visitors liked it!
    I want that book.... send it to New Zealand eh? LOL

  4. What is that book about?

  5. I can't see how you can just jump out of bed and start cleaning. My head hurts just thinking about cleaning.
    I'll be here waiting for my next!


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