Thursday, May 28, 2009


I've been slowly working on getting the front yard "garden" going.
The dirt on the right that is smooth has been weeded of all grass/weeds.
(also the corner on the left where I planted the hibiscus.)

Today I took out the alyssum and the cosmos I had around the tree so I could plant these new plants I bought. The Siskiyou I bought yesterday and today looked HORRIBLE so I figured I should get it in the ground ASAP even if I have to move it later. When I took it out of the little pot it was totally root bound with hardly any soil. I guess I should pay more attention to that when I buy plants from now on. I'm pretty sure I will move these plants around if they make it and get bigger since they are all should be good size plants at maturity (if I don't kill them first).
Here's a closer pic of the Daisies I planted the other day
(need to find the name of those red things)
Closer look at big pink bushes
They also looked horrible today.
I gave them a ton of water so hopefully they will perk up.
I moved the alyssum and cosmos to the end of this bed for now.
The cosmos are all about done I think, they are pretty tired looking.

The Hibiscus is looking good on day 2

What do you learn when you sit outside in the dirt for a month?
A little bit about all the neighbors!


  1. Man, you do so much!
    You sure are making me look lazy!!!

    It looks beautiful.
    The poor flowers would have wilted and died on MY watch.

  2. I think those little flowers maroon/yellow are Coleus. Looks great!



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