Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Pain Sucks

So the other night before last my side started hurting. I had to get up a couple times in the night thinking I was going to throw up. Yesterday I went to see the doctor because it was getting so painful and I couldn't even keep water down. They sent me for an ultra sound at the hosipital and finally a bit ago I got the results back. I have gall stones, which I figured was the problem but I also have a fatty infaltration in the liver. Nice. Nothing that starts with the word fatty can be good. So waiting for the call from the surgeon's office to get in to see him so I can get my gall bladder taken out. JOY.

My mom has come over and started smothering mothering me. I took about a 2 hour nap earlier while she did the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen a bit. When I woke up I was feeling quite a bit better. I think something might have shifted a bit. Not perfect but a little better.


  1. I think you are going to waste away to a perfect skinny minny with this new diet. No pain, no gain!

  2. OK, OK..I admit I am jealous of your pain that is causing your lack of eating. I am thinking I need to wire my mouth shut! Feel better soon!!!

  3. I hope you don't have to endure the pain much longer.

    I totally cracked up on the smothering/mothering part.

    So true...

  4. OUCH! When I had my first gall stone attack I was sure I was having a heart attack, it was that painful... right in me chest and back... SOOO PAINFUL... I had my gallbladder out after the 2nd attack.
    I hope you get yours out real soon!

  5. Pain does suck but Sarah is right. Nothing says diet like pain! But I hope everything turns out ok...

  6. Been there ~ done that! Feel better and keep us posted!

  7. I'm so sorry~gallbladder attacks are the worst! I got them when I was pregnant with our second starting at 24 weeks, and by the end of my pregnancy I was actually passing stones...they couldn't remove the darn thing until 8 weeks post partum!

    Oh yes, I am well acquainted with gallbladder attacks-they even have their own label on my blog's topics list. No one should have to go through that much pain~hang in there hun!!


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