Thursday, May 16, 2024


Good morning happy Thursday! Well it isn't exactly morning anymore.

Yesterday's breakfast, pretend I turned it to the left. 

I spent a bit of yesterday looking at the blue screens. Sheesh. Work computer and personal computer both barely working at the same time. Glad that they finally came around.

I worked on cross listing some vintage patterns onto Etsy. Probably a waste of time since only 1 out of like 10 even got a view so far. We shall see. Still have some more in the box to finish up.

I went and got us Panda for dinner. Scott came home and was complaining about his back hurting. Simon and I went for a walk. My friend Kristin called while we were walking. I had one ear bud in so that worked and we talked for almost my whole walk.

Stump Lake was like glass so still

Added on the big lake too. This is close to my friend Traci's dock. Rainbow Lake.

I messed up and forgot to go down one road on the way home so cut over when I could to do the loop I wanted. It wouldn't have added a whole lot more distance but maybe I would have got up to 3.75 lol. I'll have to try it next time. 

Somewhere during our walk Simon picked up something dead. It was too dark to make out what it was. I was so happy when she finally dropped it. I drove by it today and it was a flat pancake squirrel lol. Could only tell by the little bit of fluff left on it's tail. 

When I got back Scott was now throwing up and wanting to die. I attempted to go to bed but eventually had to just get dressed again (somewhat) so I could take him to the hospital. You know a man is sick when he wants to go there. 

This man has the loudest most violent barfing I've ever heard. He got to barf in the waiting room, that cleared out any seats near us haha. People would rather sit next to the coughing woman. 

Eventually they took him back and then eventually they did a CT scan and then eventually someone told us that the dr was working on getting him transferred to another hospital and then eventually I was at the nurses station asking for the 2nd time if the doctor could come talk to us?? WTF. 

So they told him he had a lumbar vein aneurysm and wanted to send him to a hospital that had more vascular stuff. At this point it was after 6 am and I was like I gotta go home and lay down for a bit. Right after I got home my alarm to get up for the morning went off.

Then at like 10 this morning someone came in and said that they looked at his CT scan from 2018 and he had this thing back then so they think maybe he just pulled a muscle in his back or something and he can just go home. Wow!  So I went to pick him up and forgot to bring his shoes and shirt back with me (whoops) so they sent him out with a paper gown and 3 sizes too small slipper socks lol. 

Apparently someone somewhere looked at this and now it's not a big deal. Well lets hope not. No barfing since they gave him meds hours and hours ago so we'll see. Why can't I ever have a whole week of dull? I'm just so thankful he didn't have kidney cancer or something. I thought that is what they were going to say when they were talking about sending him somewhere else. Also I can just imagine how much a 2 hour ride in an ambulance would have cost. I'm guessing 10K. 

So no work for me today since I called out this morning. I think I might go lay down again and try to nap a little. Scott's asleep on the couch. 

We're down to the last roll of toilet paper so the store has to happen at some point today or tomorrow lol.

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Wednesday, May 15, 2024


Good morning happy Wednesday!

The kids ended up coming over yesterday while their mama was working so we got more cuddle time.
I got Daniel this cute lion shirt at Target, he approved :)

The baby is in the flirting stage. Gah so cute!

I got Rosie this little ride on toy at Goodwill the other day for $4. She likes it!

I put a whole chicken in the crock pot yesterday with a bunch of herbs and a can of diced tomatoes on top. It was yummy.

Probably have left overs tonight or hot dogs. That's about all that is left. I think there is a small pack of ground turkey in the freezer too. Time to do a meal plan and go shopping again. 

Scott left these pictures in my sewing room this morning. His brother must have decided we could have them. Sadly most are ones we already have and not like older pictures. All Scott's childhood pictures disappeared (most likely with his sister...). There are some pictures that are his siblings kids in there too so not sure what to do with those. I guess I could mail them to them if I can get their addresses. 

They have our water turned off this morning to fix a water leak down the street. Hopefully it doesn't take too long to get back on since you can't flush the toilet without water. I've tried to wash my hands like 5 times already. 

Work seems dead today. Had three things to do this morning but I'm done with them already.
Might work on trying to sell some patterns in a FB group today. Really want to get those cleared out! Need to try listing the ones that are more rare on Etsy I guess. 

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Tuesday, May 14, 2024


Good morning happy Tuesday!
I'm already caught up on work today woohoo. Well just got an email of one thing but that will only take a mninute.

Yesterday I worked 1/2 a day and then went and met Melissa for lunch at Mimi's. I think this is the only one left in the area. I got a sandwich I've got a few times in the past and it was just meh. Definitely needed more of the sauce on it. 

After lunch we went to Joanns, Target, a thrift store, ice cream, Goodwill and the dollar store! So that was fun. I got a few things at Goodwill. Three matching scrapbooks all still sealed in the pack. Definitely need to get to scrapbooking again soon. I have so many books I have picked up at thrift stores lol. 

After I got home I sat for a little bit and then Simon and I went for her walk. The weather was PERFECT.  I went around the whole side of the club. Next is to go around the big lake too. I wasn't too tired when we were done but it was getting dark and I had my blue light glasses on still. I can't see shit in the dark with those. 

Trying to get her to pose. She refuses.

The last of the sun setting on the home stretch

Today's plans are to work on these stupid bags some more. Why do I always make such a big project lol. Once these are done I think I will start working on the 6 quilts someone asked me to make for Christmas presents. 

OR what I should do is work on cleaning up my sewing room for a bit. I need to take down my curtain and wash it and clean my desk real good along the window. I have to get onto the desk to reach it all. 

Also need to work on laundry. Trevor did a bit yesterday. I should have looked for a new laundry sorter while I was out yesterday. Maybe I'll just buy one on Amazon. The sorter bags on the one I have are falling apart and they are past being able to be mended. 

That's it for this morning!

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Monday, May 13, 2024


Good morning happy Monday!

Hope everyone had a good mother's day. Mine was pretty lax until it was time to watch the kids :) They were good and fun though.

Scott made me pancakes for breakfast

Then I went to the store to get snacks for the kids and stuff for dinner for them. Cleaned up and still had an hour to spare before they got here.

No dinner for this buy but he ate about a box of Cheeze It Snack Mix. He loves that stuff. He picks out certain things and leaves behind most of the cheeze its which is just fine with Simon lol.

Trevor made up the hot dogs I got us for dinner. I was like how did we eat 16 hot dogs?? Then I found out he had only made the one pack lol. I bought 2 since sometimes the guys eat a lot. I should have put a 2nd in the bun, it was giant compared to the hot dog.

We sat like this for awhile lol. The baby had been sleeping and then Rosie wanted to sit with me too.

She was singing all day. I finally figured out she was singing a Wiggles song. It mostly just sounds like she's yelling lol.

I saw this on Instagram and it totally cracked me up. I don't expect or really want gifts but it is nice for the kids to just say Happy Mother's Day. 

This boy was so cute! He's starting to try and talk back a bit when you're talking to him. Such a little flirt!

holding his hands while he was sleeping, so cute!

Took over Tubz bouncer so he could sit somewhere. He's just a little too small for the jumper still. He took a little nap in there.


Watching TV with Papa

She put herself down for a nap on the couch lol

No where for me to sit in the living room. 

They went home around 9 and I cleaned up the toys and went to bed! Not a bad way to spend a Mother's Day ;)

Today I'm getting off work early and going to lunch with Melissa. They gave us a 4 hour early release on Friday and I figured that would work perfect for today.


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Sunday, May 12, 2024


Good morning happy Mother's Day! 
Or Saturday if you hate mother's day haha.

Yesterday's breakfast made by Scott. He put garlic in the potatoes for some reason so I ended up picking those out since it wasn't vibing lol. Simon said they were great. 

The boys went for a ride on their motorcycles yesterday afternoon and brought back Subway. I haven't had Subway in a long time. It was one of the only places to eat near my work for a long time (before I just started driving farther away too) so I ate it A LOT in the last almost 20 years lol.

I mostly worked on some dark blue lining bags yesterday. Got all these coin purses done and about 5 or 6 zip bags.

Simon and I went for a walk and it was TOO HOT. Going to have to get her to go later now that it is warming up. We made so many dogs bark in their houses. One neighbor I thought the dogs were going to fall out the screen since her window was open. Glad that didn't happen sheesh.  

Late dinner. I cut up a whole chicken and poured the leftover jar of salsa verde sauce on it. Baked with some potatoes and it was yummy.

Scott is making us pancakes for breakfast this morning. Then I need to go to the store and get some snacks for the kids. (or maybe Scott will go..)  They are coming over later while Jessica works. There are still toys on the floor from when Rosie was here last week giving me germs ;) Going to have to pick those up and vacuum too haha. The house isn't too bad just need to run the vacuum and pick up the boys bachelor pad messes. 

Dinner is probably going to be hot dogs and mac & cheese. I think my stomach is finally sorted out TG! I think the baking soda thing did the trick. 

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Saturday, May 11, 2024


Hello happy Saturday!

Yesterday's breakfast. Leftover potatoes from the night before, some ham and some eggs. I should just make myself 1/2 of what I start with. I keep making too much.

Tina entertaining me while I worked

I decided to just use the old machine and some neutral thread to get these zippers done. By the last 2 bags it was just doing horrible knotting messes on the underside. I'm not sure what the issue is. So annoying! Back to the new machine. 

Going to try and get these zippers done today. I'm tired of working on these now and just want to get them done.

For dinner I made this salsa verde crock pot recipe. It was good but I should have used a bigger pack of chicken. I ended up picking off the green bell peppers too. Usually I like them but they were just a bit bitter here. I will make this again :)

Walking with Simon. I'm always like I don't want to walk I'm not feeling it and then she's like COME ONNNNN and so we go.

Same route as the day before

Anyone else's hip click when they walk? I had that happen in Jr High School and my mom took me to some place and they said it's just a tendon thing. Weird. It's just like it was back then.

Trying to get the baby geese. Not fast enough!

My stomach was still giving me gas bubble issues so I was looking up some home remedies and found to try a tsp of baking soda with some warm water. It actually seemed to help a little bit but I did end up taking some Pepto too. TMI but I thought I was going to have to go get a stool softener or something and then this morning I woke up with the opposite problem. WTH. So maybe that remedy worked too much? IDK lol. If my stomach is still messed up on Monday I'm to go to the doctor I think. Probably some kind of secondary infection from the flu bug. Or maybe I just need some probiotics?

Watching the kids tomorrow afternoon/evening so Jess can work so that will be my mother's day. At some point someone needs to go to the store and get kids snacks!

and do laundry boo

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